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Telehealth Mental Health Services

In Pennsylvania

Evidence-based, remote mental health therapy services designed to help you reach a place of sustainable mental well-being. We’re rooted in the communities we serve, with local clinics designed to meet the needs of everyone in our care. Whether you’d benefit from in-person or virtual counseling, we’ll meet you where you are. 

Get remote mental health counseling in Pennsylvania and learn how to effectively manage your mental health symptoms. Telehealth services make it easier to fit mental health care into your everyday life and busy schedules, and in-person options are there for you when you need them.  

We understand the importance of having access to quality care where you are. At New Directions Mental Health, we accept most health insurance plans, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of the care you need. Our services are available at multiple locations throughout Pennsylvania. We offer mental health therapy services via telehealth to fit your schedule and make receiving care more convenient. We are also rooted in your community and have five convenient locations throughout Pennsylvania should you need in-person care.

Individualized Mental Health Services in Pennsylvania

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health treatment. Every individual in our care has a unique story to tell, and our treatment plans are individualized to help them reach their goals. When you come to us for remote mental health treatment, you’ll find the targeted support you need.

Our Therapeutic Philosophy

Telehealth services in Pennsylvania should do more than just address an individual’s mental health concern. We believe that the therapeutic relationship is essential to high-quality care. Our clinicians have deep ties to the community we serve and take pride in developing relationships with their clients to understand each person as an individual, not a number. We consider how your past experiences and current life situations come together for a holistic approach to mental health support.

Benefits of Professional Mental Health Services in Pennsylvania

  • A supportive environment to promote healing 
  • Medication-assisted treatment when appropriate 
  • Tailored treatment plans
  • Treatment available via telehealth to suit your schedule

Get help now! Schedule an appointment today.

How It Works

Reaching out to understand your therapy options is the first step in taking control of your mental health journey. Our certified and experienced therapists are dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to take charge of your mental well-being. Here’s how to get started:

Discover how mental health counseling can help you or a loved one today.

Step 1: Contact our team

Call us or fill out our online form today.  

Step 2: Return paperwork

Our team will find a provider who meets your unique needs.  

Step 3: Begin your journey

We’ll schedule your first virtual appointment at a time that works for you.    

Our Approach to Mental Health Treatment

A range of therapies and services can help address the physical and psychological effects of mental health conditions.

Paying for Telehealth Mental Health Services in Pennsylvania

How much does treatment cost? The cost of mental health treatment should never be a roadblock to recovery. At New Directions Mental Health, we design personalized treatment plans that address the needs of every individual in our care, and the cost of treatment can vary. However, we accept most insurances to reduce out-of-pocket costs and make treatment as accessible as possible.

Your Journey to Greater Mental Well-Being Begins Here

Take the courageous first step toward a new chapter in your life. Reach out for mental health treatment today by calling New Directions Mental Health or connecting with our intake team online.