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three people sit close together and are talking about their grief in their grief counseling therapy sessionGrief counseling therapy can help individuals cope with the loss and pain of grief. It can help people process their feelings, better understand the emotions associated with grieving, and develop new coping strategies for dealing with intense emotions. New Directions Mental Health provides different mental health therapies, including grief counseling, which can assist clients in managing the pain and loss caused by grief.

Our experienced therapists guide clients through the grieving stages, helping them process their feelings, better understand the emotions associated with grieving, and develop new coping strategies for dealing with intense emotions. The grieving process is often challenging to work through, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our team is here to help—Call us today at 724.374.7414.

Healing After Grieving a Loss Takes Time and Support

Grieving is a natural process that occurs when a person encounters some form of loss, including but not limited to:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Multiple losses close in time to each other
  • Divorce or the end of an important relationship
  • Loss of a job or a significant financial setback
  • Death of a pet
  • Diagnosis of a serious health problem
  • Damaged or lost body parts
  • Infertility
  • Dashed hopes or dreams

The grieving process is often difficult to work through and can be negatively impacted by multiple factors, including:

  • Pre-existing physical or mental health challenges
  • Insufficient coping skills
  • The existence of other substantial stressors or demands in a person’s life at the time of the loss
  • The suddenness or the severity of the loss experience
  • Unresolved aspects of a relationship (with a loved one who has died or with an ex-spouse)

New Directions Mental Health’s grief counseling in Pennsylvania is a comprehensive, client-centered approach to helping individuals cope with the impact of significant losses. Grief counseling therapy allows clients to work through their grief in a safe and supportive environment.

Signs You Might Need Counseling for Grief

Grief is a normal emotional response to loss, but it can become prolonged and overwhelming for some individuals. If you or someone you know exhibits any of the following signs of grief-related distress, it may be time to seek professional help:

  • Significant sadness, depression, anger, guilt, hopelessness, or anxiety
  • Decreased ability to carry out activities of daily living
  • Difficulty sleeping since the loss
  • Strong mood swings or emotional volatility
  • Concerns about your ability to cope
  • Fear you are “losing your mind”
  • Physical distress such as pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and muscle tension
  • Remorse over past behavior
  • Thoughts of hurting yourself or others

Grief counseling aims to help a client who has experienced a loss more effectively move through the stages of grief. This is accomplished primarily by learning to manage emotional reactions associated with the loss in healthier ways. The ultimate goal is to facilitate greater acceptance of what has occurred and an increased capacity to reconnect with life in meaningful ways.

How Our Grief Counseling Can Help

Our grief counseling in Greensburg, PA, is designed to meet each client’s individual needs and goals. New Directions Mental Health’s therapists utilize a comprehensive approach to helping you work through complicated grief reactions. We tailor therapy to the specific needs of each client’s situation using some combination of the following strategies:

  • Development of relaxation, assertiveness, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation skills
  • Development of healthy lifestyle changes
  • Development of more effective ways of thinking about yourself, your relationships with others, and events in your life
  • Resolution of painful emotional experiences linked to traumatic events
  • Referral, if necessary, for a medication evaluation (available at our practice)

With assistance from grief counseling therapy, clients can find peace, closure, and hope after experiencing a significant loss. New Directions Mental Health is here to provide support during the difficult journey of grief. We are committed to helping you discover new ways to cope with a loss so that you can get back on your feet and live a life of meaning.

Learn More About Grief Support Groups and Counseling at New Directions Mental Health

Grief can be a difficult experience to bear alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of a significant life event, please contact New Directions Mental Health today. Our compassionate team is here to help individuals in Pennsylvania access the grief counseling they need to heal and move forward in life. Call 724.374.7414 to learn more about our grief counseling therapy and how to get the support you need during this challenging time.