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A Dietitian Can Help!

A Dietitian Can Help!

4 Ways You Can Improve Your Health During Pandemic

by Jessica Marshall, RDN

Could you ever have imagined a pandemic during our lifetime? Wow! It’s hard to take care of our health during this time at home. But it’s more important than ever to focus on getting healthy.  Not sure where to start?  At New Directions, our team of dietitians help patients reclaim their health. Using our expertise in Functional Medicine and being equipped to take new patients using tele-medicine.

dietitian during pandemic - new directions counseling4 Ways a Dietitian Can Help:

  • Immune Support > build up your immunity through supplements, reducing  your stress, and consuming the best anti-inflammation foods
  • Scratch Cooking > utilize quick kitchen hacks, expert shopping tips, and cleanest recipes.
  • Mindfulness > be present, build your gratitude and be intentional about your goals.
  • Lifestyle Change > increase the quality of your food, build better ingredient lists, and reduce those environmental toxins.

Dietitian help is close by. Our team is experiencing the same stress and grief you are. Collaborate with them to reach the goals you desire.

To get hands on, collaborative support, contact our nutrition and dietitian team today. Call 724.934.3905 or use our contact form.