Find Balance and Control During a Pandemic Sheltering
Great tips to not let loss and fear control you.
By Denise Trexler- Solomon, LCSW
Coronavirus. COVID-19. When we hear these words, arrrgh! – we immediately feel a loss of control and fear.
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Some anxiety helps protects us from harm. It assists us to do things necessary to stay safe during this time. But when we overthink, we feel an intense loss of control which becomes overwhelming. In these uncertain times it is important to think about what you can control.
Here are some great tips on staying present, focused and balanced:
- Be safe. Follow professional recommendations on hygiene. It is hard, but you cannot control what others are doing. Demonstrate to others by doing it yourself.
- Find balance. Don’t overdo it. Find the calmness with doing what you need to do.
- Establish a routine. Try to get up at the same time, shower, and dress for the day. Do your regular daily hygiene. Make a plan for your day that includes your needs, your mini goals and down time.
- Limit the news and social media. Find a few trusted outlets and get the important, relevant information then move on.
- Connect socially. Practice social distancing but still use technology to connect with friends and family; phone calls, video calls, text.
- Self-care. Hydrate, eat balanced meals. Practice healthy sleep hygiene. If you are working from home take breaks, get up and stretch, walk around the house. Get some fresh air. Exercise, it can improve your mood.
- Be mindful. Be mindful of your present surroundings by using grounding (identify 5 things you can see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste). Take deep breaths throughout.
NEED MORE? Register for One of our Telehealth Groups
Telehealth Group- Coping with Covid – starting Thurs. April 23 to share more about your experience, learn mindfulness skills and ease relationship tension.
Positive Parenting during a Pandemic – starting Tues, April 28 7-8pm – parenting tips, self care, and more to cope with elementary school kid needs.